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Luvis Pro Guitar Lessons

click the link to luvispros guitar site and listen to the " sha doobie " jams



Practice  Tips.....
1:) dont try to play guitar while high on angel dust, its just impossible and your fingers just wont work correctly ,
check out syd barrett recording for this issue.
2.) dont try to be a hero on stage you'll never be like GG Allan.
3.) if you see your girlfriend leaving the gig with your drummer in his car dont get mad just go fuck her best friend and tell her the following as she's picking up her clothes " you were the only girl who truly believe in me ".
4.) alway lie to get the gig.
5.) never let your girlfriend take your car to "go see her momma"
while rehearshing for a major gig.
6.) when having sex with girls from Memphis use 2 rubbers and a clorax bleach bath directly following.
7.) if you and your band has to practice 3-5 times a week just to play out the same old fucking cover songs, start your music career at McDonalds before its to late.
8.)never marry the girl who's been fuck by the whole band.
9.) if the bigshot faggot record exec tell you to anything other  than " just use my credit card number " when your broke down in El Paso Texas with the pigs hot on your ass, be calm and remind him how much fun its gonna be when you get back to town with is 16 teen year old daughter & some Apple Pucker.
10.) remember your supposed to have fun and rock the house, not act like a bunch of spoiled sissy wannabes , thats the head Liner act .

 Luvis Productions.